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In today's on-demand society, Cybersecurity has become a hotbed topic. Networks, platforms, and IoT tools have enhanced our lives but how are you protecting your data and assets? Over 88 million American businesses were breached in the last year as hackers and cybercriminals are looking for any vulnerability in you systems to take advantage of. These criminals are taking a smash and grab approach to your private information and selling it on the dark web. Small or large business; we are all at risk:

















We here at Traxtion take pride in our cross-functional methods to detect the hole in your business' firewall and information assets cloud systems. Be proactive and ahead of the curve with these cybersecurity solutions:



Risk Assessments

Pinpoint the weakness and move swiftly to prevent critical data breaches.

security compliance

Our framework implementation delivers NIST, PCI DSS, & ISO 27 001 compliance.

Vulnerability Protection

We partner with the best security technology vendors for malicious attacks.

Iot security

Ensuring employee devices and apps are more secure by locating software and hardware flaws.

Let's talk about your next project:

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 Address: 115 M.L.K. Jr Dr SW #304 Atlanta, GA 30303

2303 W. Morehead St., #200 Charlotte, NC 28208

Tel: 855-208-0753

© 2023 by Traxtion Technologies, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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